"Strangers Welcome"
New York, USA
Solo show

"Strangers Welcome"
Perrotin, New York, USA
June 1 - July 26, 2024

‘Strangers Welcome’ was conceived as a continuation of Johan Creten's 2023 exhibition ‘Le Coeur qui déborde’ at the Abbaye de Beaulieu-en-Rouergue in France. The sculptor displayed his mysterious, colorful creations and new golden bas-reliefs, offering viewers his eclectic metaphors on the human condition.

Exhibition view "Strangers Welcome", Perrotin, New York. © Perrotin & Guillaume Ziccarelli

“Strangers Welcome” is a plunge into a marine universe populated by strange creatures: mermaids and seahorses, motionless on their pedestals, from which the paint seems to spring as if from wounds, like the stigmata of a probable battle. 

In her text included in the exhibition catalog, Leigh Arnolds evokes the figure of  “Moby Dick” from Hermann Melville's epic 1851 novel, which recounts a ship captain's obsessive quest for revenge against a colossal leviathan. Johan Creten's exhibition draws a parallel between “the white whale” - an expression that has become synonymous with obsession since the book's publication - and his own determination, since the 1980s, to elevate ceramics to the status of “high art”. 

Exhibition view "Strangers Welcome", Perrotin, New York. © Perrotin & Guillaume Ziccarelli
“Transposing the exhibition from one heart to another: the heart of one of the most remote places in France to that of the bustling contemporary art scene fulfills Creten’s desire to share these works with a wider audience (i.e., to welcome strangers to his most recent oeuvre) and in many ways further solidifies his place among the ranks of contemporary sculptors.”
Dr. Leigh Arnolds
"La Laguna", 2021-2022. Exhibition view "Strangers Welcome", Perrotin, New York. © Perrotin & Guillaume Ziccarelli
"La Sirène Effrontée", 2021 ; "Éloge de l’ombre - Nr 3, Nr 5 and Nr 11", 2022-2023. Exhibition view "Strangers Welcome", Perrotin, New York. © Perrotin & Guillaume Ziccarelli
“Within this motif, Creten exploits a play on words to great effect: the French homonyms la mer / la mère: the sea and the mother become the artist’s protagonists.”
Dr. Leigh Arnolds
"Éloge de l’ombre - Nr 15, Nr 3, Nr 5 and Nr 11", 2022-2023 ; "The Sex Addict, Pump and Dump / Satyriasis", 2021-2023. Exhibition view "Strangers Welcome", Perrotin, New York. © Perrotin & Guillaume Ziccarelli
“The title of the exhibition "Strangers Welcome" is a wink to my show "God is a Stranger" at Perrotin Madison, and a wink to the historical situation of the abbey where people are welcome, and to the signs you find on old hotels and bars in New York”
Johan Creten
Detail. "The Dealer Blue Eye - Red Eye", 2021-2023. © Creten Studio & Gerrit Schreurs
Detail. "Gigolo Falling off a cliff", 2021-2023. © Creten Studio & Gerrit Schreurs

Johan Creten’s glittering sculptural reliefs evoke religious imagery. In showcasing these works at Perrotin New York, Creten paid careful attention to the lighting to highlight the multitude of shadows at play in each of the works, a taboo reference to the many crevices of the human body.

"Éloge de l’ombre - Nr 3", 2022-2023. © Creten Studio & Gerrit Schreurs
"Éloge de l’ombre - Nr 5", 2022-2023. © Creten Studio & Gerrit Schreurs

Please contact Studio Creten if you have any questions or need more information.
